What is hair extension treatment

What is hair extension treatment?

Beauty experts say that hair stretching treatment is similar to the re-bonding process, but it helps to add a little volume to the hair and provides you with smooth hair. Initially, your hair will look very smooth and straight, but after a week, your hair will have some volume. The effect of extended treatment lasts for 9-12 months and is less harmful than re-adhesion of the hair. Typically, L'Oreal products are used for holistic treatment.

Extenso treatments usually work at the microscopic level, which helps to loosen the bonds on the hair and reconstruct them so that they do not return to their wavy shape. Extenso treatment is suitable for people with thinning hair, thick hair, slender or processed hair.

What are the side effects of hair extension treatment?

• Hair stretching treatment is very harmful compared to keratin treatment. When it comes to re-bonding the hair, hair stretching is much better for straightening the hair. • It will not last more than 5-6 months. However, if done well, it may take up to a year. • New hair styles are unaffected and can sometimes cause the hair to become extremely dry and curled. • You will always need a protein-rich hair mask to keep your hair smooth, soft and hydrated. • You are not allowed to swim, and if you swim, it will definitely damage and affect your hair. • After choosing hair stretching treatment, very few women suffer from alopecia. • Keeping your hair after hair stretching is an expensive thing. You need a protein-rich mask, conditioner and serum to keep your hair hydrated and soft. • In rare cases, it can cause rashes on the forehead skin and sometimes skin rashes. • Pregnant women should avoid choosing this procedure because the chemicals used may have side effects.

There are many ways to straighten hair, and the three most popular methods are re-adhesion, keratin and stretch treatment. Re-bonded hair is usually straightened with a re-adhesive, which helps to easily break the bond on the hair. On the other hand, keratin treatment involves the use of keratin products, which help break the bond and keep the hair straight for a long time. So what is hair extension treatment? Does it have side effects? Here we tell you the same thing.

Source: Hair Transplant In Peshawar 
