Breakout under the hair loss crisis

Breakout Under the Hair Loss Crisis

Hair loss is a very common problem in everyday life. However, in the moment, hair loss has not only worried many middle-aged and elderly people, but even the first batch of "post-90s" has become a new show in the "hair loss army." A set of data published in this report focusing on hair loss people is heart-warming: among the consumers who buy hair care and hair care products on the Ali retail platform, the “90s” will soon surpass the 38.5% ratio by 36.1%. After 80s, it became the main force with hair loss troubles. The demand for “replanting” of the middle-aged and elderly groups represented by “70 before” and “post-70s” is far lower than our imagination.

It is an indisputable fact that the age of hair loss is sinking.

Number said hair loss

In general, hair experiences three stages of growth, retreat, and rest.

During the growth phase, the hair follicles function actively, and the rapid division of the dermal papilla cells causes the hair to grow. As the hair grows to the end, the dermal papilla cells stop dividing, the hair follicles lose their vitality, the hair stops growing, and it enters the regression phase. Finally, as the hair continues to separate from the hair follicle, the hair follicle enters a rest period until the hair falls off. These three phases continue to cycle.

Under normal circumstances, about 90% of hair is in the growth phase, about 10% is in the rest period, and only about 1% is in the retreat period. Normal people naturally shed about 50 to 100 hairs per person per day, which is a normal metabolism, and will have the same amount of hair growth to make up.

However, if the process is interrupted at any stage - for example, if the hair follicle does not recover from "sleep" mode or begins to contract - it can cause hair loss and hair thinning. There are many factors that interrupt the hair growth cycle, including hormones, stress, poor diet, chemical hair care, certain medications, and of course genetics.

There are many types of hair loss, the most common of which is androgenetic alopecia (known as male pattern baldness in men and female type baldness in women), which is a hereditary alopecia.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), androgenetic alopecia affects approximately 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States. On average, about 19% of white women in the United States are affected by androgenetic alopecia, and this proportion increases with age. In Australia, this proportion has almost doubled to 32%; the proportion of Androgenetic Alopecia is much lower (less than 6%).

Male pattern baldness is associated with the sensitivity of the androgen dihydro testosterone, usually manifested by the gradual retreat of the hairline, the hair at the top of the head is completely detached, or a small amount of hair is left behind. FUE Transplant Cost In Lahore Pakistan Compared with male pattern baldness, the symptoms of female pattern baldness are mild, mainly due to the thinning and thinning of the top of the scalp, which is diffuse Alopecia, but the hairline does not move backward, and generally does not progress to complete hair loss.

Another fairly common form of hair loss is Alopecia Areata, which usually manifests as patchy alopecia on the scalp, which is associated with autoimmunity. Under autoimmune conditions, the body's immune system attacks body tissues (even if they are healthy). In the case of alopecia areata, the hair follicles are blocked and new hair is difficult to grow.

In addition, there is a temporary form of hair loss that is a period of alopecia. Under normal circumstances, 10% of the hair follicles are in a "hibernation" state. Under certain circumstances, they will enter the growth period again, followed by a batch of hair follicles in the growing season. This is like a work shift, which is a normal hair growth mechanism. However, when the hair follicle is "trapped" for some reason during the rest period or dormancy stage, it will prevent the growth of new hair, and it will form a rest period hair loss.

Resting hair loss may occur after three months of major medical events such as childbirth, surgery, or high fever, but this may also be caused by thyroid disorders or iron deficiency. Certain drugs such as blood thinners and birth control pills are also associated with the formation of this form of hair loss.
