Five reasons for men's hair loss

Five Reasons for men's hair loss

Men, do you have to worry about losing your hair? Men's hair loss problem is actually a very common phenomenon, the main reason is inseparable from genetic problems, body problems and pore blockage. This article will explain in detail the reasons for men's hair loss and the fallacy!

Hair loss and hair loss.What is hair loss?

First figure out what is hair loss. Normal hair growth has three stages: growth stage, fade stage, and rest stage (re-growth). This hair growth cycle will continue to repeat, forming old hair constantly falling off, so ordinary hair will fall off after a period of time, in fact, we will fall off 50-100 hair every day, so sometimes see the hands and feet of hair falling off, don't worry too much . However, if you have a lot of hair loss every day (more than 100), if you have a baldness on your forehead or head, be careful!

5 Reasons for male hair loss

1 Genetic

Many people think that male hair loss is caused by improper use of products such as shampoo and wax. In fact, 90% of male hair loss is caused by genetic problems. Male hormone (DHT)
Accelerating the hair growth cycle shortens (or speeds up) the hair's growth cycle, making the hair easier to fall off. For men with genetic factors, hair follicles on the forehead to the top of the head are more susceptible to DHT. Therefore, if parents or grandparents have similar hair loss problems, your chances of having hair loss problems are relatively high. If you have similar background readers, you should pay attention to them.

2 Living habits

In addition to the main genetic problems, there are other factors that can cause hair loss. Personal life habits in Hong Kong are the cause of many people's hair loss. Long-term lack of sleep, smoking, drinking, etc. will also affect the health of hair follicles. An unbalanced diet (Hong Kong people always have irregular diets) will also make the body unable to absorb the necessary nutrients, which indirectly leads to insufficient hair supply and hair loss.

3 Pressure

Stress can cause hormone secretion to lose balance, leading to hair loss. In Hong Kong, who is not under pressure? Especially in Central, the financial and accounting companies are really moving "a few million in a minute". Living under such a stressful environment, hair or body can easily cause problems and affect hair growth. .

4 Improper use of the product

In fact, it is said that "GEL has a lot of hair and hair". The real chances are really few. If you use the product improperly, you have the opportunity to cause pores to occlude and cause hair loss. For example, many men's styling (Gel head) will use Hairspray at a very long distance. I have seen many male friends like to spray Hairspray very close to the hair roots or scalp, which is very dangerous. Because Hairspray is a high-chemical product in many products, Hairspray will coagulate after spraying on the scalp. If it is not clean, it will easily clog the pores and cause hair loss.

As for waxing or mud, as long as you don't touch the scalp when using it, of course, if you are financially permitted, you can choose some hair products with more natural ingredients to protect your hair. In fact, as long as the product is used correctly, there are few opportunities for hair loss due to styling.
Many men sometimes go to bed at night and go home at night because they are too tired to wash their heads. This will also increase the chance of clogged pores. Hair Transplant In Lahore your hair has been waxed, and after a day of work, your The hair has been glued with dust, sweat, and the hair that is excreted by the hair itself. However, if you don't wash your hair, sleep on the pillow and put all the above things on your scalp, causing the hair follicles to clog. Do you dare not wash your hair?

Cold knowledge: Should you wash your hair daily?

It is very popular in foreign countries to wash your hair every other day. It is because the weather in foreign countries is dry, the sweat and head oil produced are less, and the water in many European and American countries is alkaline. Therefore, they don’t wash their hair transplant Cost. The head here refers to shampooing with shampoo), but compared to the wet and hot place in Hong Kong, it is completely different worlds. Therefore, men living in Hong Kong should pay attention to cleanliness!
